Student Identity & Experiences
The Pitzer College Office of Study Abroad and International Services is committed to diversity and supports the participation of students representing different groups based on race, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, age, ability, nationality, and religion. In addition to the educational, travel, health and safety, and adjustment issues facing all international travelers, many students may have additional identity-related considerations when deciding whether, where, and how to take advantage of study abroad opportunities.
Your identity can play a role in deciding where to study abroad, what program to choose, how to prepare, and how you experience your host city and country. We encourage students to consult the articles and resources included on the website, invite students to discuss questions and concerns with the Office of Study Abroad, and recommend that students connect with program alum when available. Interacting with past study abroad students and taking the time to learn about social norms, cultural mores, and local practices will help you navigate how aspects of your identity may be perceived and treated in your host country.
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Identity & Diversity Abroad
Consider aspects of your identity and how these may be perceived and treated in your host culture.
Read About Identity & Diversity Abroad